Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Climate Change

Life changes as time goes by and so with our climate. Climate is our number one basis of living here in this world. We base our actions and decisions for what the phase of climate is. For instance,  you want to roam outdoor but you saw that it is cloudy so you decided not to go, it is because the thing that you are thinking is maybe it will rain when you go, so that, it helps you a lot in deciding. 
           Climate is the weather conditions prevailing in an area or general over long period so climate and weather has a relationship with one another. They are two significant things in away that this two different words are functionally partners in helping us to make our decisions and actions in living as a person in our everyday lives but there's a big BUT saying that the world is suffering in human destruction that makes our world not so healthy or in other words we and our world are facing this what we call Climate Change, It is Climate change is a long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in the average weather conditions or a change in the distribution of weather events with respect to an average, for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events. 
            Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth. It is because of the  those detrimental doing of us humans, w only think our own self and we are set a siding the affect of  does bad doings to us . It seems that we have forget the vision and reason of giving this world to us. The main reason why  Jesus gave our world to us is to take care and protect of eat. We must  be a good citizen living in this world. So GO GO GO and make our world healthy.

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